When I started my Youtube Channel I shared the Muay Boran style I founded, Muay Nam , under the name " Modern Muay Boran" , mainly for keyword reasons. Some of my followers argued that Muay Boran means " Ancient Boxing " so the name " Modern Ancient Boxing " apparently doesn't make sense, it is an oxymoron , however, I was not the first to use it, this name is an umbrella term. The first to properly coin the name was Grand Master Chaisawat Tienviboon , defining its style, Muay Chaisawat, as a Renew-Traditional or Modern-Traditional style (Both synonyms of my expression " Modern Muay Boran "). Grand Master Chaisawat is one of the oldest and most knowledgeable Muay Boran masters still alive, and when talking about the Thai martial art he inherited he likes to say that they are a damaged picture that has to be restored; according to Master Chaisawat a part of the Muay Boran repertoire has been lost or has not been handed down in its entirety, ...
Pursuing the purest and most effective form of martial art. Muay Boran practictioner and Founder of Muay Nam (Modern Muay Boran). My goal is to disseminate as much as possible the practical and effective concepts and applications of ancient martial arts.