Muay Plam (Thai: มวยปล้ำ), sometimes transliterated as " Muay Plam " or " Muay Plam " is a generic term for Wrestling, but it also refers specifically to Ancient Thai Wrestling ; little is known about this art as it got lost over the centuries. The oldest record of Muay Pram ever found is a small statue from the 14th century, depicting two kneeled wrestlers grabbing each other. One of the earliest mentions of the term "Muay Plam" comes from a collection of laws called The Three-Seals Code (1351-1767) dating back to the Ayutthaya Era. Article 117, Clause 1 explicitly mentions Muay and Muay Plam, making a clear distinction between the two. If two people agree to box or wrestle , that is fine. Perhaps one gets hurt or even dies. This is not punishable by law. If someone incites them to fight or offers a prize to box or wrestle, that is fine. The promoter cannot be punished because he had the intention of providing entertainment. It is in the Karma of the p...
Pursuing the purest and most effective form of martial art. Muay Boran practictioner and Founder of Muay Nam (Modern Muay Boran). My goal is to disseminate as much as possible the practical and effective concepts and applications of ancient martial arts.